

Camping Modrá Farma

Zajezova 66

962 63  Pliesovce


Telephone: +421 9 08528884

(We speak englisch and german)

Where is Slovakia?

In which country? Czech Republic? Slovenia? Czechoslovakia? No, Slovakia. A country that is very unknown because rarely anything happens that reaches the international press. Yet it is a beautiful country that reminds a lot of France in terms of landscape. And it’s not far at all. The weather at Modrá Farma is particularly suitable for camping.

Slovakia, the center of Europe


On most navigations we can be found directly under the name “Modra Farma” in Zajezova. If the navigation cannot find this, you can search for the village of Zajezova near the larger town of Pliesovce. Once in Zajezova you can follow the signs “Modra Farma”.


Do you drive with a navigation system? Then pay attention!

  • Pliešovce is the municipality. Zajezova is the hamlet that is part of Pliešovce. There are no street names. The house numbers are random. Your navigation system also knows nothing about the quality and slope of roads.
  • There is a persistent problem with navigation apps. Some navigation apps send you on a road where it is forbidden to drive. This road is certainly not recommended with a normal car. Therefore, in the village of “Dobrá Niva” just follow the main road and do not turn left! Your navigation will then indicate the correct route almost immediately. See map below.

The red road is a very bad road and is prohibited access.

Pay attention!! Toll roads in Slovakia!

Since 2016, the payment method has changed for the toll on highways of Slovakia. There is now E-toll.

There are now two options:

  1. At the first petrol station

At the first petrol station when you enter Slovakia you can buy an E-toll vignette. You don’t buy a sticker but your license plate is being registered. At the gas station, tell the employee your license plate and your mobile phone number. As proof of payment you will receive a text message on your mobile phone. This should be displayed on any traffic control when the police askes for it.

  1. By the Internet.

Go to the internetpage: Toll Slovakia  First choose your language. Then choose how long you want a vignette, and pay with your credit card. Take care that the starting date is standard “today”. You might want to change it to a later date. Caution! If your car plus trolley or caravan have more weight then 3500 Kg you will need a second vignette. One for the car, and also one for the caravan or trailer. For a motorbike you also need to pay tol.


The prices are the same in both options. However, buying at the gas station is tricky with the Slovak language. The website is also available in English, German and other languages.

Traveling with navigation

If you travel with a navigation system, be carefull!
Pliešovce is a city. Zajezova is a village. In Zajezova there are no streetnames and the numbers are randomly. Your navigationsystem also does not know the quality and gradient of the roads. We advise you to use our directions for the last part of your  journey. See here.